Everything began with a Passion | ETSY Istanbuli Shop
The shope is a joint attempt of two cousins who are passionate about art and entrepreneurship. Nur Sema is the maker and artistic hand in this shop and Husrev triesI READ MORE
The shope is a joint attempt of two cousins who are passionate about art and entrepreneurship. Nur Sema is the maker and artistic hand in this shop and Husrev triesI READ MORE
INCI is a Turkish company founded in Cameroon in 2012 in order to offer its quality to Cameroon market. History & Expertise INCI has a long lasting history in TurkeyI READ MORE
Hafız hıfz eden demektir.. Kelamullah adına Can veren Yürektır.. Uğruna ömrün adandigi bir meslektir… KURAN can yolunda canan.. Batılı batıran ferman.. Öyle bir ferman ki her bir ayeti buna şahitI READ MORE
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It’s been longtime I did not write here. Thanks God it was because of my occupations of work which I have begun on the first day of February. We haveI READ MORE
Bazen kendini hiçliğin ortasında bulursun, bazen de hiçliğin ortasında kendini bulursun…I READ MORE
Zenos’ statement about his vision of the sculpture I wanted to create a sculpture almost anyone, regardless of their background, could look at and instantly recognize that it is aboutI READ MORE
By Husrev CAKMAK © 2008- 2025