MUSIAD is a “BUSINESSMEN’S ASSOCIATION” founded on May 5, 1990, in Istanbul, Turkey, by some enthusiastic businessmen dedicated to the realization of a Turkey where human rights, the supremacy of law, justice and equality, peace and security and the welfare and happiness of the people are guaranteed; where community and universal values that are adopted historically by the people are protected; and where the country is effective in the region and respected in the world.

MUSIAD is a “PLATFORM FOR DEVELOPMENT-DIALOGUE- COOPERATION AND SOLIDARITY” created for the purpose of contributing to the social, cultural, political, economic, scientific and technological development of the individuals, institutions and society in Turkey as well as the region around it and the whole world.

MUSIAD is an active and strong “NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION” that currently has 34 branches and 5.500 individual members, representing 15.000 member companies which contributes to GDP by 15%, exports by 17 billion dollars and employment by 1,2 million people. Besides, it has 114 contact points all around the world. In this sense, MUSIAD is regarded as a model not only for the business world, but for the society’s other segments as a training, guidance and consulting center which has established its operations and work on a professional level.

MUSIAD is a “THINK-TANK INSTITUTION” with the research reports, books and bulletins it publishes on socioeconomic and technological issues and the academic journal it issues as well as seminars and panels it organizes on related issues.

To become the number one business association of Turkey which is trusted and valued by Turkish people as well as foreigners, representing its country in the best way both domestically and internationally, having members who are sincerely loyal to their faith.


  • To retain our independent structure domestically and internationally, by respecting the history, culture and identity of our nation and universal values in particular
  • To work toward assisting our country to develop and attain the level of developed countries, and to conduct activities to create a competitive economic environment within this context.
  • To assist our members in expanding their businesses, and to ensure the information flow that will enhance their competitive power in the domestic and international market and maintain their development trend within this context.
  • To adopt respect for international standards and environment as an institutional principle, to support the protection of the competitive power of SMEs and specifically the youth entrepreneurship.
  • To contribute to technological advancement, creation of new investments and development of labor force resources to help continuous growth.
  • To establish a dialogue platform to bring together the public and private sectors and the civil society.
  • To produce steady, permanent and useful projects, taking resources of the country and needs of humanity into consideration; to fulfill our share of duty in implementation of such projects
  • To pioneer realization of economic activities that will be effective on global scale, by bringing the investor, producer and the project owner together.

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