Kamerun’da yine bu bayram bizim adam Bu bayram biraz daha farkli onun icin. Cunku yaptigi is guzel bir netice vermis ve onceden ismi Pascal olan simdi Ismail olarak anilir olmus. Bu kurbanin Ismail’i Kamerun’dan. Tebrikler ve dualarimiz Ismail icin. Rabbim kendisini seciminde sabit kilsin ve kendisine saadeti ebediyeyi nasip etsin insaAllah.
Our man is in Cameroon again in the eid of this year. But this time it is little bit different than previous one. Because there is a different but expected fruit this year. There is a new brother for him and for all his Muslim brothers. The man in the photo below used to call Pascal before but he has been influenced from the team and from the spirit of sharing without considering if they are Muslim or not. He has seen the spirit of brotherhood. We have seen the power of action which counts actually more than words.
What we are doing now is helping him understand the basics of his belief and congratulating him and wisshing him to remain strong in his decision. May Allah let him be happy forever and may Allah let others to decide in the way he did.
Congratulations and prayers are for Ismail and others like him…